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    The Camp Meeting Years, 1868-1881

    Residing at Greenville and Battle Creek, Michigan, respectively, until late 1872, and then dividing her time between Michigan and California, Ellen White spent her winters writing and publishing. During the summer she attended camp meetings, some years as many as 28! Testimonies, numbers 14-30, now found in Testimonies, volumes 2-4, were published during these years.UL 9.2

    1868, September 1-7 Attended first SDA camp meeting, held in Brother Root's maple grove at Wright, Michigan. 1870, July 28 Second son, James Edson, married on his 21st birthday. 1870 The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 1, published; forerunner of Patriarchs and Prophets. 1872, July-September In Rocky Mountains resting and writing en route to California. 1873-1874 Divided time between Battle Creek and California, attended camp meetings, and spent some months in 1873 in Colorado resting and writing. 1874, April 1 Comprehensive vision of the advance of the cause in California, Oregon, and overseas. 1874, June With James White in Oakland, California, as he founded the Pacific Press Publishing Association and the Signs of the Times. 1875, January 3 At Battle Creek for dedication of Battle Creek College. Vision of publishing houses in other countries. 1876, February 11 William Clarence, third son and manager of the Pacific Press, married at the age of 21. 1876, August Spoke to 20,000 at Groveland, Massachusetts, camp meeting. 1877 The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 2, published; forerunner of The Desire of Ages. 1877, July 1 Spoke to 5,000 at Battle Creek on temperance. 1878 The Spirit of Prophecy, volume 3, published; forerunner of last part of The Desire of Ages, and The Acts of the Apostles. 1878, November Spent the winter in Texas. 1879, April Left Texas to engage in the summer camp meeting work. 1881, August 1 With husband in Battle Creek when he was taken ill. 1881, August 6 Death of James White. 1881, August 13 Spoke for ten minutes at James White's funeral at Battle Creek.

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